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NIR03L05 – Letter rejecting an employee due to unsatisfactory references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This letter withdraws a conditional offer of employment due to unsuccessful reference checks.
NIR03L04 – Letter of response to a request for a reference stating employer has a policy of not providing references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This letter responds to a reference request stating that it is the policy of that employer not to provide a reference.
NIR03P01 – Policy on how the organisation manages references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:38+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This policy outlines how the reference process is managed; and outlines whether the employer provides the information that has been requested, or only certain information as a standard. It also refers to the retention of such information and what to do if the individual wishes to see a copy of their reference.
NIR03L03 – Letter providing a reference
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:38+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This letter outlines reference details for an employee.
NIR03L02 – Letter requesting a reference
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:38+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This letter can be sent to a former or current employer of a prospective employee seeking a reference.
NIR03L01 – Letter outlining reference policy
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:38+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This letter outlines an employer's reference policy regarding information that can be provided, for example only job title and dates of employment.
NIR03F02 – Form to seek consent from a candidate to obtain references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:38+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This form documents explicit consent from prospective employees to seek references.
NIR03F01 – Reference request form
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:38+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This reference form can be used to send to current or previous employers of a prospective candidate to find out further information on their skills, experience and character.
NIR03C01 – Contract Clause on references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:38+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: References|
This contract clause outlines that employment is subject to successful references.
IER03L05 – Letter rejecting an employee due to unsatisfactory references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This letter withdaws a conditional offer of employment due to unsuccessful reference checks.
IER03L04 – Letter of response to a request for a reference stating employer has a policy of not providing references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This letter responds to a reference request stating that it is the policy of that employer not to provide a reference.
IER03P01 – Policy on how the organisation manages references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:55+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This policy outlines how the reference process is managed; and outlines whether the employer provides the information that has been requested, or only certain information as a standard. It also refers to the retention of such information and what to do if the individual wishes to see a copy of their reference.
IER03L03 – Letter providing a reference
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:55+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This letter outlines reference details for an employee.
IER03L02 – Letter requesting a reference
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:55+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This letter can be sent to a former or current employer of a prospective employee seeking a reference.
IER03L01 – Letter outlining reference policy
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:55+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This letter outlines an employer's reference policy regarding information that can be provided, for example only job title and dates of employment.
IER03F02 – Form to seek consent from a candidate to obtain references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:55+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This form documents explicit consent from prospective employees to seek references.
IER03F01 – Reference request form
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:55+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This reference form can be used to send to current or previous employers of a prospective candidate to find out further information on their skills, experience and character.
IER03C01 – Contract Clause on references
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:55+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: References|
This contract clause outlines that employment is subject to successful references.