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NIR02L16 – Letter to employee on maternity leave informing them that there is no suitable alternative available and confirming redundancy

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter informs an employee who is on maternity leave that there are no alternatives job roles available and confirms termination of employment by way of redundancy. It outlines redundancy pay (if applicable), notice and holiday entitlements and the entitlement to appeal.

NIR02L18 – Letter of response to an employee on maternity leave who has refused alternative employment

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter outlines to an employee who is on maternity leave, whose job role is at risk of redundancy and who has been offered suitable alternative employment that if they choose to decline the offer of suitable alternative employment that they will loose their right to a statutory redundancy payment.

NIR02L09 – Letter offering a trial period of alternative employment to an employee who has been made redundant

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter confirms that alternative employment is being offered on a trial basis to an employee whose job role was at risk of redundancy. It explains the start and end date of the trial period, and that if the trial period is unsuccessful the redundancy of the job role will proceed.

IER02L11 – Letter to an employee on maternity leave to inform her that a redundancy consultation process is being carried out

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter informs an employee who is on maternity leave that her job role is at risk of redundancy and that she will be offered a suitable alternative vacancy, if it is available. It also informs her that a consultation process will be carried out. This is an area of extreme risk as in most cases an employee cannot be made redundant whilst on maternity leave.

IER02L18 – Letter of response to an employee on maternity leave who has refused alternative employment

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter outlines to an employee who is on materntiy leave, whose job role is at risk of redundancy and who has been offered suitable alternative employment that if they choose to decline the offer of suitable alternative employment that they will loose their right to a statutory redundancy payment.

IER02L09 – Letter offering a trial period of alternative employment to an employee who has been made redundant

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter confirms that alternative employment is being offered on a trial basis to an employee whose job role was at risk of redundancy. It explains the start and end date of the trial period, and that if the trial period is unsuccessful the redundancy of the job role will proceed.

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