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NIR04P01 – Resignation Policy

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This policy details the process to be followed by an employee who wishes to resign and gives guidance for managers on the issues to consider before the resignation takes effect. This policy covers notice of resignation, withdrawal of resignation, pay in lieu of notice, garden leave, exit interviews and managing annual.

NIR04L06 – Letter to an employee who has verbally resigned asking them to confirm their intentions

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter should be sent to any employee who has resigned verbally requesting that the employee notify the employer in writing. It is best practice that a resignation is in writing and this will ensure if the employee has any issues that have resulted in the employee's resignation these can be addressed.

IER04P01 – Resignation Policy

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This policy details the process to be followed by an employee who wishes to resign and gives guidance for managers on the issues to consider before the resignation takes effect. This policy covers notice of resignation, withdrawal of resignation, pay in lieu of notice, garden leave, exit interviews and managing annual.

IER04L06 – Letter to an employee who has verbally resigned asking them to confirm their intentions

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter shoud be sent to any employee who has resigned verbally requesting that the employee notify the employer in writing. It is best practice that a resignation is in writing and this will ensure if the employee has any issues that have resulted in the employee's resignation these can be addressed.

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