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NIS11F01 – Form for a statutory declaration of intention to apply for a Parental Order (Surrogacy)
superAdmin2022-10-06T13:26:28+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Surrogacy|
An employee who wishes to take adoption leave due to a surrogacy arrangement must apply for a parental order. As part of the leave process, the employer may request a form of intention to apply for a Parental Order from the employee. This form should be completed by the employee
NIS11L01 – Letter to an employee who has notified intention to take adoption leave as a result of a surrogacy arrangement
superAdmin2022-10-06T13:26:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Surrogacy|
This letter can be sent to any employee that has requested to take adoption leave following a surrogacy arrangement. This letter outlines the terms of the adoption leave.