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NIR05C01 – Contract Clause on retirement age if it can be objectively justified
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Retirement|
This clause can be included in a contract of employment only when there is a justifiable reason for enforcing a retirement age. In NI there will be very limited circumstances when a retirement age can be justified. Employers should be mindful that they could face claims of age discrimination if this clause is inserted without reason.
NIR05P01 – Retirement policy and procedure
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Retirement|
This policy can be used to outline the organisations retirement policy. The policy outlines the process for retirement and outlines that a retirement age is not enforced.
NIR05F01 – Form for an employee to request retirement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Retirement|
This form can be completed by an employee who wishes to notify the organisation of their intention to retire.
NIR05L01 – Letter of invitation to discuss employees plan to retire
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter should be sent to any employee who has notified the organisation of their plan to retire. This letter is inviting the employee to a meeting to discuss their retirement plans.
NIR05L02 – Letter announcing an employee’s retirement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter can be sent to the wider workforce to announce the retirement of an employee. The employee who is retiring should be notified in advance that the letter will be sent. This letter also provides the option of inviting all employees to a celebratory function to mark the retirement.
NIR05L03 – Letter of response to an employee who has notified the employer of their plan to retire
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter can be sent to an employee to confirm that the employer has received their notification of retirement and will be in touch in relation to the next steps.
NIR05L04 – Letter to an employee outlining final payments upon retirement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter can be sent to an employee whose retirement has been confirmed. The letter will outline the final repayments due to the employee.
NIR05L05 – Letter to employee who is about to retire wishing them well
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter can be sent to an employee who is due to retire wishing them well in the future.
IER05L05 – Letter to employee who is about to retire wishing them well
superAdmin2022-08-12T15:16:47+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter can be sent to an employee who is due to retire wishing them well in the future.
IER05C01 – Contract Clause on retirement age if it can be objectively justified
superAdmin2024-12-05T15:06:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Retirement|
This clause can be included in a contract of employment when there is a reason for enforcing a retirement age. In Ireland there is no legislation at present to state that a retirement age cannot be in a contract. Employers should be mindful if the retirement age is not in the contract it cannot be enforced. Employers should always consider if there is a justifiable rationale for including the retirement age otherwise they could face claims of age discrimination
IER05P01 – Retirement policy and procedure
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Retirement|
This policy can be used to outline the organisations retirement policy. The policy outlines the process for retirement and provides 2 options. The first option outlines that a retirement age is not enforced and the second option outlines the organisations retirment age.
IER05F01 – Form for an employee to request retirement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Retirement|
This form can be completed by an employee who wishes to notify the organisation of their intention to retire.
IER05L01 – Letter of invitation to discuss employees plan to retire
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter should be sent to any employee who has notified the organisation of their plan to retire. This letter is inviting the employee to a meeting to discuss their retirement plans.
IER05L02 – Letter announcing an employee’s retirement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter can be sent to the wider workforce to announce the retirement of an employee. The employee who is retiring should be notified in advance that the letter will be sent. This letter also provides the option of inviting all employees to a celebratory function to mark the retirement.
IER05L03 – Letter of response to an employee who has notified the employer of their plan to retire
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter can be sent to an employee to confirm that the employer has received their notification of retirement and will be in touch in relation to the next steps.
IER05L04 – Letter to an employee outlining final payments upon retirement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Retirement|
This letter can be sent to an employee whose retirement has been confirmed. The letter will outline the final repayments due to the employee.