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GBR01F15 – Form of Consent for a Job Applicant to Consent to a Medical Report (Great Britain)
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:39:45+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form is used to send to an employee to seek their consent to obtain a medical report. An employer is unable to access medical information without the individual's consent. Download
NIR01F11 – Expenses Form for a Job Applicant
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:39:37+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form cab ne used for job applicants to submit any expenses associated with the interviewing process, which are normally pre-agreed. Download
NIR01F10 – Form of Consent for a Job Applicant to Consent to a Medical Report (Northern Ireland)
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:39:28+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form is used to send to an employee to seek their consent to obtain a medical report. An employer is unable to access medical information without the individual's consent. Download
NIR01F09 – Template Job Description
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:39:14+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This template job description gives employers a guide on what information to use when outlining duties and responsibilities of a job role. Download
NIR01H02 – How-to guide when recruiting new employees
superAdmin2024-10-29T07:49:35+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This how to guide gives practical advice to employers on how to manage the recruitment and selection process in its entirety; from advertising the job role, shortlisting, arranging interviews and offers of employment. It focuses on legal compliance, avoiding risk and professionalism of the process.
NIR01H01 – Guide for interviews
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:28+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This guide provides the key factors to ensure that the interview process is compliant and professional. It details the elements to prepare in advance of an interview process, such as questions and questioning techniques, opening and closing the interview, record keeping and giving feedback.
NIR01L01 – Letter of Invitation to Interview
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter invites a job applicant to an interview and outlines the details of the interview such as the date, time and location of interview.
NIR01L03 – Rejection Letter for employee after Interviews
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be sent to a job applicant who has attended an interview but has been unsuccessful and will not proceed any further in the recruitment and selection process.
NIR01F14 – Medical Questionnaire
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be completed by a new recruit to obtain any pertinent medical information. This document must only be used after the employer has made an offer of employment to an individual; it should not be sent out with a job application form.
NIR01F13 – Interview Schedule Template
superAdmin2024-10-29T07:34:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
specification and the job description of the available role being interviewed for.
NIR01F12 – Interview Candidate Score Sheet
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This is a guide for employers on how to score at interview. Employers are advised to amend the questions accordingly in line with the person
NIR01F08 – Template Job Advertisement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This template can be used by an employer when designing a job advertisement.
NIR01F07 – Form for Line Managers to request new staff
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used internally by a HR Department or manager to document the details of a vacancy that is required.
NIR01F06 – Shortlisting form
superAdmin2024-10-28T18:53:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form provides structure for the shortlisting process and ensures that the shortlisting process is adequately documented. This assists in protecting the employer in justifying recruitment and selection decisions, incase the process is challenged.
NIR01F05 – Recruitment checklist
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used internally by a HR department or manager to verify the tasks that are associated with a recruitment process such as advertising, screening, interviews and the various different pieces of correspondence that are required.
NIR01F04 – Person specification template
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used to outline the essential and desirable criteria for a vacancy.
NIR01F03 – Reference request Form
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used to seek a reference from a previous employer for a new employee. The form can be sent to the referee or alternatively can be completed via telephone.
NIR01L02 – Letter of offer
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be sent to a successful job applicant who is going to be offered employment. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment that will be offered as well as any conditions relating to the offer such as references and probationary period.
NIR01L04 – Letter of Invitation to second Interview
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter invites a job applicant to a second interview, after they have attended a first interview.
NIR01L05 – Letter rejecting an applicant who was not invited to interview
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be sent to a job applicant who has not been successful in proceeding to interview stage.
NIR01L06 – Letter responding to a request for feedback from a job applicant
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be used to provide feedback to a job applicant who has been unsuccessful.
NIR01L07 – Letter withdrawing a conditional letter of employment
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be used to withdraw a job offer. Note that any withdrawal should not be as a result of any disclosure of a protected characteristic to avoid a discrimination claim.
NIR01L08 – Letter informing an applicant that their details will be kept on file for future vacancies (GDPR Compliant)
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter outlines that a job applicant's details will be kept on file and includes a consent form so that the applicant can give consent to their details being kept on file (GDPR Compliant).
NIR01L09 – Letter informing an unsuccessful candidate of a suitable alternative vacancy that they may be interested in
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter outlines to a job applicant that an alternative vacancy that better suits their skills and qualifications has become available.
NIR01L10 – Letter inviting an applicant to an assessment centre
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter invites a job applicant to an assessment centre as part of the recruitment and selection process. The letter gives the details of the assessment such as the date, time, duration and location; as well as the methods of assessment.
NIR01S01 – Format for interviews
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This document provides a guide to employers as to what format an interview should take, and the key elements to prepare for an interview process.
NIR01P01 – Recruitment Policy
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:17+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This policy outlines the organisations recruitment and selection policy including important information such as equal opportunities, training/promotion, advertising, the application process, screening, interviewing, offers of employment, training, reference checking, medical checks and record keeping.
NIR01F02 – Interview record form
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:17+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used to record the outcome of an interview process, including any second or third choices. It can also be helpful to formally record the successful candidate’s salary expectations and notice to give. It should be retained with all other interview documentation including score sheets and application forms.
NIR01F01 – Application Form Sample
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:28:17+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This application form can be used as a template.
NIR01P02 – New Employee Referral Bonus policy
superAdmin2024-10-28T18:52:27+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This policy outlines the procedure for incentivising employees who refer an employee to the organisation. It stipulates eligibility criteria and the reward
IER01H02 – How to guide when recruiting new employees
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This how to guide gives practical advice to employers on how to manage the recruitment and selection process in its entirety; from advrtising the job role, shortlisting, arranging interviews and offers of employment. It focuses on legal compliance, avoiding risk and professionalism of the process.
IER01H01 – Guide for interviews
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:44+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This guide provides the key factors to ensure that the interview process is compliant and professional. It details the elements to prepare in advance of an interview process, such as questions and questioning techniques, opening and closing the interview, record keeping and giving feedback.
IER01F14 – Medical Questionnaire
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be completed by a new recruit to obtain any pertinent medical information.This document must only be used after the employer has made an offer of employment to an individual; it should not be sent out with a job application form.
IER01F06 – Shortlisting form
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form provides structure for the shortlisting process and ensures that the shortlisting process is adequately documented. This assists in protecting the employer in justifying recruitment and selection decisions, incase the process is challenged.
IER01F07 – Form for Line Managers to request new staff
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used internally by a HR Department or manager to document the details of a vacancy that is required.
IER01F08 – Template Job Advertisement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This template can be used by an employer when designing a job advertisement.
IER01F09 – Template Job Description
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This template job description gives employers a guide on what information to use when outlinine duties and responsibilities of a job role.
IER01F10 – Form of Consent for a Job Applicant to Consent to a Medical Report
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form is used to send to an employee to seek their consent to obtain a medical report . An employer is unable to access medical information without the individual's consent.
IER01F11 – Expenses Form for a Job Applicant
superAdmin2024-12-05T14:26:14+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form cab be used for job applicants to submit any expenses associated with the interviewing process, which are normally pre-agreed.
IER01F12 – Interview Candidate Score Sheet
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This is a guide for employers on how to score at interview. Employers are advised to amend the questions accordingly in line with the person
IER01F13 – Interview Schedule Template
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
specification and the job description of the available role being interviewed for.
IER01L01 – Letter of Invitation to Interview
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection, Trial|
This letter invites a job applicant to an interview and outlines the details of the interview such as the date, time and location of interview.
IER01L03 – Rejection Letter for employee after Interviews
superAdmin2024-12-05T14:25:35+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be sent to a job applicant who has attended an interview but has been unsuccessful and will not proceed any further in the recruitment and selection process.
IER01S01 – Format for interviews
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This document provides a guide to employers as to what format an inverview should take, and the key elements to prepare for an interview process.
IER01L10 – Letter inviting an applicant to an assessment centre
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter invites a job applicant to an assessment centre as part of the recruitment and selection process. The letter gives the details of the assessment such as the date, time, duration and location; as well as the methods of assessment.
IER01L09 – Letter informing an unsuccessful candidate of a suitable alternative vacancy that they may be interested in
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter outlines to a job applicant that an alternative vacancy that better suits their skills and qualifications has become available.
IER01L08 – Letter informing an applicant that their details will be kept on file for future vacancies (GDPR Compliant)
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter outlines that a job applicant's details will be kept on file and includes a consent form so that the applicant can give consent to their details being kept on file (GDPR Compliant).
IER01L07 – Letter withdrawing a conditional letter of employment
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be used to withdraw a job offer. Note that any withdrawal should not be as a result of any disclosure of a protected characteristic to avoid a discrimination claim.
IER01L06 – Letter responding to a request for feedback from a job applicant
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be used to provide feedback to a job applicant who has been unsuccessful.
IER01L05 – Letter rejecting an applicant who was not invited to interview
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter can be sent to a job applicant who has not been successful in proceeding to interview stage.
IER01L04 – Letter of Invitation to second Interview
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This letter invites a job applicant to a second interview, after they have attended a first interview.
IER01L02 – Letter of offer
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:39+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection, Trial|
This letter can be sent to a successful job applicant who is going to be offered employment. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment that will be offered as well as any conditions relating to the offer such as references and probationary period.
IER01P01 – Recruitment Policy
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This policy outlines the organisations recruitment and selection policy including important information such as equal opportunities, training/promotion, advertising, the application process, screening, interviewing, offers of employment, training, reference checking, medical checks and record keeping.
IER01F05 – Recruitment checklist
superAdmin2024-12-05T14:28:18+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used internally by a HR department or manager to verify the tasks that are associated with a recruitment process such as advertising, screening, interviews and the various different pieces of correspondence that are required.
IER01F04 – Person specification template
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used to outline the essential and desirable criteria for a vacancy.
IER01F03 – Reference request Form
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used to seek a reference from a previous employer for a new employee. The form can be sent to the referee or alternatively can be completed via telephone.
IER01F02 – Interview record form
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This form can be used to record the outcome of an interview process, including any second or third choices. It can also be helpful to formally record the successful candidate’s salary expectations and notice to give. It should be retained with all other interview documentation including score sheets and application forms.
IER01F01 – Application Form Sample
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This application form can be used as a template.
IER01P02 – New Employee Referral Bonus policy
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:25:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Recruitment and Selection|
This policy outlines the procedure for incentivising employees who refer an employee to the organisation. It stipulates eligibility criteria and the reward