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NIM01L16 – Letter of invitation to a meeting to discuss a request for reduced/different hours upon return to work from maternity leave

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to an employee who has requested a change to their working hours/days of work upon return from maternity leave. This letter invites an employee to a meeting to discuss the request. An employer must give consideration to all requests for flexible working. If the employer is unable to grant the request they must have a justifiable reason for this. Download

NIM01L46 – Letter to employee outlining entitlement to time off for fertility (IVF) treatment

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to an employee who is undergoing fertility treatment, offering them the support of the organisation. This letter also explains to the employee that they can take time from their annual leave, or that the organisation is giving them additional paid leave on top of their annual leave entitlement while they undergo fertility treatment

NIM01L30 – Letter for employee who is absent due to pregnancy nearing 4th week before Expected Week of Childbirth

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to an employee who is absent due to pregnancy related illness, notifying her that her maternity leave will automatically begin if she has not recovered by the 4th week before expected childbirth. The letter asks the employee to keep the organisation informed as to her wellbeing

NIM01L43 – Letter responding to holiday requests before or after maternity leave

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter can be used in response to a pregnant employee submitting a holiday request. This letter contains several options based on whether the request is being approved for holidays before maternity leave starts, approved after maternity leave starts, or if the holiday request has simply been refused

NIM01L10 – Letter suspending a pregnant employee or a new mother on health and safety grounds

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to a pregnant employee following a health and safety risk assessment. If the risk assessment has identified the employee's current role as a risk then the employee needs to be offered alternative work or be suspended on full pay if there is no other suitable work available.

NIM01L17 – Letter authorising reduced/different hours upon return to work from maternity leave

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to an employee who has requested a change to their hours of work following their maternity leave. This letter can be sent to an employee following a meeting confirming that their request has been granted. This letter outlines to the employee that the change represents a permanent change to the terms and conditions of their employment.

NIM01L18 – Letter offering a suitable alternative role during breastfeeding due to health and safety reasons

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to a breastfeeding employee after a risk assessment whereby a risk has been identified. This letter offers the employee a temporary change of job role whilst she is breastfeeding. This letter requests the employee signs to conform her agreement with this change.

NIM01L21 – Letter notifying an employee that insufficient notice has been given to end maternity leave and return to work

Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to an employee who wishes to end her maternity leave early and return to work. This letter offers 2 options either granting or declining the request. It is important to note that the request can only be declined in the case that the employee has not provided the required notice.

IEM01L15 – Letter authorising reduced/different hours upon return to work from maternity leave

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to an employee who has requested a change to their hours of work following their maternity leave. This letter can be sent to an employee following a meeting confirming that their request has been granted. This letter outlines to the employee that the change represents a permanent change to the terms and conditions of their employment.

IEM01L16 – Letter offering a suitable alternative role during breastfeeding due to health and safety reasons

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to a breastfeeding employee after a risk assessment whereby a risk has been identified. This letter offers the employee a temporary change of job role whilst she is breastfeeding. This letter requests the employee signs to conform her agreement with this change.

IEM01L18 – Letter notifying an employee that insufficient notice has been given to end maternity leave and return to work

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to an employee who wishes to end her maternity leave early and return to work. This letter offers 2 options either granting or declining the request. It is important to note that the request can only be declined in the case that the employee has not provided the required notice.

IEM01L27 – Letter to a new mother outlining consequences of non-acceptance of alternative duties

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to a new mother following a risk assessment. If the risk assessment has identified a risk and alternative duties have been offered to the employee but she has not accepted, then this letter can be sent. This letter outlines the consequences of non acceptance of the alternative duties.

IEM01L29 – Letter to a pregnant employee outlining consequences of non-acceptance of alternative duties

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to a pregnant employee following a risk assessment. If the risk assessment has identified a risk and alternative duties have been offered to the employee but she has not accepted, then this letter can be sent. This letter outlines the consequences of non acceptance of the alternative duties.

IEM01L08 – Letter suspending a pregnant employee or a new mother on health and safety grounds

Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: |

This letter can be sent to a pregnant employee following a health and safety risk assessment. If the risk assessment has identified the employee's current role as a risk then the employee needs to be offered alternative work or be suspended on full pay if there is no other suitable work available.

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