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NIH02P01 – Homeworking policy
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:50:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Homeworking|
This policy outlines the organisations procedure on home working. The policy covers requests to work from home, pay, hours of work, attending the work place, equipment and materials and security. Download
NIH02F01 – Home Workstation Risk Assessment
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:50:59+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Homeworking|
This form can be used to risk assess a home working workstation. This form should be reviewed by a competent assessor. Download
NIH02P02 – Occasional Homeworking Policy
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Homeworking|
This policy sets out the terms and conditions surrounding homeworking and what is required from employees when working from home. This policy applies to all employees who work from home or who may need to work from home in the future.
NIH02F02 – Homeworking Checklist
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Homeworking|
This checklist should be reviewed by a line manager when dealing with a request for home working.
IEH02P01 – Homeworking policy
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Homeworking|
This policy outlines the organisations procedure on home working. The policy covers requests to work from home, pay, hours of work, attending the work place, equipment and materials and security.
IEH02P02 – Occasional Homeworking Policy
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Homeworking|
This policy sets out the terms and conditions surrounding homeworking and what is required from employees when working from home. This policy applies to all employees who work from home or who may need to work from home in the future.
IEH02F01 – Home Workstation Risk Assessment
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:33+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Homeworking|
This form can be used to risk assess a home working workstation. This form should be reviewed by a competent assessor.
IEH02F02 – Homeworking Checklist
superAdmin2024-11-25T13:31:15+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Homeworking|
This checklist should be rviewed by a line manager when dealing with a request for home working.