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NID05L21 – Letter of outcome of disciplinary hearing for employee who failed to attend hearing
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:54:34+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation, but did not attend their hearing, informing them of the outcome of the disciplinary process. Download
NID05L14 – Letter confirming no action after a disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:54:30+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary hearing informing them that no disciplinary action is being taken against them. Download
NID05L13 – Letter to an absent employee to postpone a disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:54:25+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to an employee who has been deemed unfit for work before they were due to attend a disciplinary hearing. The letter seeks permission to obtain a medical report from the employees GP, and asks the employee to contact the employer when they are ready to return. Download
NID05L12 – Letter to Employee’s doctor to confirm if employee is fit to attend formal disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:54:20+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to the GP of an employee who has been invited to attend a disciplinary hearing, but has submitted evidence of incapacity. This letter asks the GP for their opinion on whether the employee is well enough to attend a disciplinary hearing. Download
NID05L11 – Letter for employee who has not attended a scheduled disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:54:13+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to an employee who has failed to attend a disciplinary hearing. This letter provides options depending on the reasons for the employee's failure to attend. Download
NID05L10 – Letter re-scheduling a disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-10-06T12:54:07+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter is responding to an employee's request to reschedule a disciplinary hearing. This letter has 2 options either granting or declining the request. Download
NID05L04 – Invitation to a witness to provide a statement
superAdmin2022-10-06T13:06:22+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter can be sent to an employee noted as a witness in a workplace disciplinary investigation. Download
NID05L02 – Invitation to Investigatory Meeting
superAdmin2022-10-06T13:06:11+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter can be used to invite an employee suspected of misconduct to an investigation meeting. Download
NID05L03 – Invitation to second Investigatory Meeting
superAdmin2022-10-06T13:06:17+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter can be used to invite an employee to a second investigation meeting to discuss the allegations further if necessary. Download
NID05L05 – Letter of Concern as a result of an investigatory process
superAdmin2022-10-06T13:06:28+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter outlines that no formal disciplinary process will take place following investigation however, the manager will issue the employee with a note of concern. This is not a formal sanction but is a note to the employee that the manager believes there was wrongdoing or misconduct but has decided not to proceed on this occasion with formal disciplinary action. Download
NID05L06 – Letter of Suspension pending an investigation
superAdmin2022-10-06T13:07:35+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee suspected of a misconduct of a such a serious nature (suspected gross misconduct cases) that it warrants suspension pending an investigation. The decision to suspend should be timely but should not be taken lightly. Suspension is paid. Suspension can also occur if the person leading the investigation feels the alleged perpetrator may influence/intimidate witnesses or any claimant. Download
NID05L07 – Letter of suspension pending an investigation with a date for an investigatory meeting
superAdmin2022-10-06T13:07:49+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter of suspension includes a date for an investigation meeting. This letter should be issued to an employee suspected of a misconduct of a such a serious nature (suspected gross misconduct cases) that it warrants suspension pending an investigation. The decision to suspend should be timely but should not be taken lightly. Suspension is paid. Suspension can also occur if the person leading the investigation feels the alleged perpetrator may influence/intimidate witnesses or any claimant. Download
NID05S03 – Script for an appeal meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
Managers can use this script to guide them through the process of conducting an appeal meeting, in the case where an employee has appealed against the outcome of their disciplinary findings.
NID05L23 – Letter of invitation to an appeal meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who wishes to appeal the outcome of their disciplinary hearing, inviting them to attend an appeal meeting. This letter should include details of when and where the appeal meeting will take place.
NID05L24 – Letter of outcome of an appeal process
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has appealed the outcome of their disciplinary hearing, informing them of the outcome of their appeal.
NID05L25 – Letter of response to a resignation during paid suspension
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has resigned while on paid suspension pending a disciplinary investigation. This letter includes options based on whether or not the resigning employee has raised any grievances in their resignation.
NID05L26 – Letter to employee to inform them of a decision that was made in their absence following a disciplinary hearing – written submission provided
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who was absent for their disciplinary hearing (but provided a written submission) informing them that a decision was made in their absence.
NID05L27 – Letter to Employee’s doctor to confirm if employee is fit to attend an investigation meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to the GP of an employee who is subject to a disciplinary investigation. This letter seeks to establish whether the employee would be well enough to attend an investigation meeting.
NID05L28 – Letter informing absent employee that a disciplinary hearing will proceed in their absence
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has not confirmed their intentions to attend a disciplinary hearing, informing them that the meeting will proceed in their absence.
NID05S01 – Script for an Investigation Meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
Managers can use this script to guide them through the process of conducting an investigation meeting as part of a disciplinary process.
NID05H01 – How to Guide on disciplinary procedure
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This guide provides information and guidance on how to carry out a disciplinary procedure in the instance that an employee is believed to have breached the terms of their employment.
NID05F01 – Form for Investigation Report
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This form provides guidance on the practice of investigations and is designed to help Investigation Officers and anyone else delegated to investigate allegations of misconduct referred to them by the standards of the Organisation. The investigation should be conducted in line with the disciplinary policy and procedure
NID05F02 – Form for witness statements
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This form should be completed to document evidence obtained from a witness during a disciplinary investigation. Template questions are provided, but specific questions in relation to the alleged incident should be prepared prior to the witness interview.
NID05C01 – Contract Clause on the right to suspend an employee pending a disciplinary investigation
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This contract clause can be included in employees contracts of employment reserving the right to suspend them pending any future disciplinary investigations
NID05C02 – Contract Clause on the right to exercise normal sickness absence policy during periods of paid suspension
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This contract clause can be included in employees contracts of employment, which gives the employer the right to pay sick pay instead of their normal pay to an employee who is suspended on full pay but has notified the employer of illness.
NID05C03 – Contract Clause for disciplinary and dismissal
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This contract clause can be included in employees contracts of employment requiring them to familiarise themselves with the organisations disciplinary procedures.
NID05S02 – Script for a disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:27:01+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
Managers can use this script to guide them through the process of conducting a disciplinary hearing, having concluded from the investigation meeting(s) that disciplinary action is warranted.
NID05L20 – Letter confirming a disciplinary sanction other than a warning or dismissal
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them of the sanction that is being imposed. This letter should be used if the sanction is anything other than a warning or dismissal.
NID05L01 – Letter informing an employee suspected of misconduct that a workplace investigation will take place
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to an employee suspected of misconduct to inform them that a workplace investigation will take place.
NID05L08 – Letter informing an employee that further to investigation no disciplinary proceedings will take place
superAdmin2024-10-25T12:41:23+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent o any employee who was suspected of misconduct that following investigation no further action will be taken.
NID05L09 – Letter of invitation to disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter is inviting an alleged perpetrator to a disciplinary hearing following an investigation. The alleged perpetrator should receive all evidence such as minutes and witness statements with this letter. This letter also outlines the employee's right to be accompanied at a disciplinary hearing. An employee should get at least 48 hours notice of a disciplinary hearing.
NID05L15 – Letter confirming the dismissal of an employee for misconduct
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are being dismissed due to misconduct.
NID05L16 – Letter confirming the dismissal of an employee for gross misconduct
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are being dismissed due to gross misconduct.
NID05L17 – Letter confirming a verbal warning
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are receiving a verbal warning
NID05L18 – Letter confirming a written warning
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are receiving a written warning
NID05L19 – Letter confirming a final written Warning
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are receiving a final written warning
NID05L22 – Letter informing employee that appeal is out of time
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has declared that they wish to appeal the outcome of their disciplinary hearing informing them that they did not submit their appeal before the deadline.
NID05P01 – Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:26:56+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, NI/GB region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This procedure outlines the disciplinary process that should be followed. The procedure includes the sanctions that can be applied. The process also covers the right to be accompanied, the conduct of disciplinary cases , the right to appeal a decision. and examples of what constitutes gross, major and minor misconduct.
IED05C03 – Contract Clause for disciplinary and dismissal
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:05+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This contract clause can be included in employees contracts of employment requiring them to familiarise themselves with the organisations disciplinary procedures.
IED05C02 – Contract Clause on the right to exercise normal sickness absence policy during periods of paid suspension
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:05+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This contract clause can be included in employees contracts of employment, which gives the employer the right to pay sick pay instead of their normal pay to an employee who is suspended on full pay but has notified the employer of illness.
IED05C01 – Contract Clause on the right to suspend an employee pending a disciplinary investigation
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:05+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This contract clause can be included in employees contracts of employment reserving the right to suspend them pending any future disciplinary investigations
IED05L19 – Letter confirming a final written Warning
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are receiving a final written warning
IED05L15 – Letter confirming the dismissal of an employee for misconduct
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are being dismissed due to misconduct.
IED05L16 – Letter confirming the dismissal of an employee for gross misconduct
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are being dismissed due to gross misconduct.
IED05L17 – Letter confirming a verbal warning
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are receiving a verbal warning
IED05L18 – Letter confirming a written warning
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them that they are receiving a written warning
IED05L20 – Letter confirming a disciplinary sanction other than a warning or dismissal
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation informing them of the sanction that is being imposed. This letter should be used if the sanction is anything other than a warning or dismissal.
IED05L21 – Letter of outcome of disciplinary hearing for employee who failed to attend hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary investigation, but did not attend their hearing, informing them of the outcome of the disciplinary process.
IED05L22 – Letter informing employee that appeal is out of time
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has declared that they wish to appeal the outcome of their disciplinary hearing informing them that they did not submit their appeal before the deadline.
IED05L23 – Letter of invitation to an appeal meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who wishes to appeal the outcome of their disciplinary hearing, inviting them to attend an appeal meeting. This letter should include details of when and where the appeal meeting will take place.
IED05L24 – Letter of outcome of an appeal process
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has appealed the outcome of their disciplinary hearing, informing them of the outcome of their appeal.
IED05L26 – Letter to employee to inform them of a decision that was made in their absence following a disciplinary hearing – written submission provided
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who was absent for their disciplinary hearing (but provided a written submission) informing them that a decision was made in their absence.
IED05F02 – Form for witness statements
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This form should be completed to document evidence obtained from a witness during a disciplinary investigation. Template questions are provided, but specific questions in relation to the alleged incident should be prepared prior to the witness interview.
IED05F01 – Form for Investigation Report
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This form provides guidance on the practice of investigations and is designed to help Investigation Officers and anyone else delegated to investigate allegations of misconduct referred to them by the standards of the Organisation. The investigation should be conducted in line with the disciplinary policy and procedure
IED05H01 – How to Guide on disciplinary procedure
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This guide provides information and guidance on how to carry out a disciplinary procedure in the instance that an employee is believed to have breached the terms of their employment.
IED05S03 – Script for an appeal meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
Managers can use this script to guide them through the process of conducting an appeal meeting, in the case where an employee has appealed against the outcome of their disciplinary findings.
IED05L25 – Letter of response to a resignation during paid suspension
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has resigned while on paid suspension pending a disciplinary investigation. This letter includes options based on whether or not the resigning employee has raised any grievances in their resignation.
IED05S02 – Script for a disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
Managers can use this script to guide them through the process of conducting a disciplinary hearing, having concluded from the investigation meeting(s) that disciplinary action is warranted.
IED05S01 – Script for an Investigation Meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
Managers can use this script to guide them through the process of conducting an investigation meeting as part of a disciplinary process.
IED05L28 – Letter informing absent employee that a disciplinary hearing will proceed in their absence
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has not confirmed their intentions to attend a disciplinary hearing, informing them that the meeting will proceed in their absence.
IED05L27 – Letter to Employee’s doctor to confirm if employee is fit to attend an investigation meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:24:00+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to the GP of an employee who is subject to a disciplinary investigation. This letter seeks to establish whether the employee would be well enough to attend an investigation meeting.
IED05L01 – Letter informing an employee suspected of misconduct that a workplace investigation will take place
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to an employee suspected of misconduct to inform them that a workplace investigation will take place.
IED05L02 – Invitation to Investigatory Meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter can be used to invite an employee suspected of misconduct to an investigation meeting
IED05L03 – Invitation to second Investigatory Meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter can be used to invite an employee to a second investigation meeting to discuss the allegations further if necessary.
IED05L04 – Invitation to a witness to provide a statement
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter can be sent to an employee noted as a witness in a workplace disciplinary investigation.
IED05L05 – Letter of Concern as a result of an investigatory process
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter outlines that no formal disciplinary process will take place following investigation however, the manager will issue the employee with a note of concern. This is not a formal sanction but is a note to the employee that the manager believes there was wrongdoing or misconduct but has decided not to proceed on this occassion with formal disciplinary action.
IED05L06 – Letter of Suspension pending an investigation
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be isued to an employee suspected of a misconduct of a such a serious nature (suspected gross misconduct cases) that it warrents suspension pending an investigation. The decision to suspend should be timely but should not be taken lighlty. Suspension is paid. Suspension can also occur if the person leading the investigation feels the alleged perpetrator may influence/intimadate witnesses or any claimant.
IED05L07 – Letter of suspension pending an investigation with a date for an investigatory meeting
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter of suspension includes a date for an investigation meeting. This letter should be isued to an employee suspected of a misconduct of a such a serious nature (suspected gross misconduct cases) that it warrents suspension pending an investigation. The decsion to suspend should be timely but should not be taken lighlty. Suspension is paid. Suspension can also occur if the person leading the investigation feels the alleged perpetrator may influence/intimadate witnesses or any claimant.
IED05L08 – Letter informing an employee that further to investigation no disciplinary proceedings will take place
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to any employee who was suspected of misconduct that following investigation no further action will be taken.
IED05L09 – Letter of invitation to disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter is inviting an alleged perpetrator to a disciplinary hearing following an investigation. The alleged perpetrator should receive all evidence such as minutes and witness statements with this letter. This letter also outlines the employee's right to be accompanied at a disciplianary hearing. An employee should get at least 48 hours notice of a disciplinary hearing.
IED05L10 – Letter re-scheduling a disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter is responding to an employee's request to reschedule a disciplinary hearing. This letter has 2 options either granting or declining the request.
IED05L11 – Letter for employee who has not attended a scheduled disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to an employee who has failed to attend a disciplinary hearing. This letter provides options depending on the reasons for the employee's failure to attend.
IED05L12 – Letter to Employee’s doctor to confirm if employee is fit to attend formal disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to the GP of an employee who has been invited to attend a disciplinary hearing, but has submitted evidence of incapacity. This letter asks the GP for their opinion on whether the employee is well enough to attend a disciplinary hearing.
IED05L13 – Letter to an absent employee to postpone a disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be sent to an employee who has been deemed unfit for work before they were due to attend a disciplinary hearing. The letter seeks permission to obtain a medical report from the employees GP, and asks the employee to contact the employer when they are ready to return.
IED05L14 – Letter confirming no action after a disciplinary hearing
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This letter should be issued to an employee who has been subject of a disciplinary hearing informing them that no disciplinary action is being taken against them.
IED05P01 – Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
superAdmin2022-08-10T18:23:53+00:00Categories: All jurisdictions, ROI region|Tags: Disciplinary|
This procedure outlines the disciplinary process that should be followed. The procedure includes the sanctions that can be applied. The process also covers the right to be accompanied, the conduct of disciplinary cases , the right to appeal a decision and examples of what constitutes gross, major and minor misconduct.